Jahresgaben 2023 at the ‚Galerie von Empfangshalle’
    Theresienstraße 154

    Developed by the artists Paulina Nolte, Julia Klemm and Kristina Schmidt.

    A large printer occupies the center of the gallery space, clearly visible from the outside. Around 180 artists from Munich and all over the world send their digital images to the xerox machine via Empfangshalle’s digital network. One by one, black and white printouts of the artists’ work flutter out of the printer’s tray.
    The sheets can be purchased directly on site for 1 Euro or more. All proceeds will be donated to the Bavarian Refugee Council. A recommendation by the curatorial team: if you have the means, donate what you can and consider purchasing further original works by the participating artists. The connecting idea is community, respect and solidarity.
